Thursday, June 18, 2009


Podcast Name: The Skurvy Monkeys Podcast
Hosts: Design and Monkey
Voice Mail: 206-426-2562
Itunes page: Link Here
Skype: Design or ProudMonkey
MySpace: SkurvyMonkeys
Facebook: Skurvy Monkeys and Penny Press

Info from hosts: Who are we? We are the creative minds behind the former shows The Penny Press (A comical Disney news show in the form of weekend update) and TheQ (A Disney sound show with true audio from the parks around the world and some comedy bits tossed in). Our new show is just us. We talk many things, not just Disney anymore. Movies, music, food, travel, theme parks and so much more. It is an adult comedy show, and most likely the only show that does talk about Disney consistently to have a mature rating on every show. It is sometimes rude and fowl but mostly its just 2 guys talking about things the way 2 guys talk. No editing, no censoring. We also toss in the occasional scripted bit in our nuggets (short shows once a week) and will be bringing back the Penny Press and segments from TheQ.

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